Daniel · 10 answers · 2y

Which job do you think will not be replaced by robots/AI?

Honestly, its going to be the management type jobs.

There are a lot of MC people out there who believe they're safe but they're in the most danger from this IMO. Their uselessness has already been proven throughout the pandemic.

Voters of fascist politicians cannot be replaced by AI based robots. They are too intelligent.

Civilization won't be around long enough for most jobs to be replaced by robots/AI. Besides that, I'd say artists/entertainers.

There is always going to be a segment (of unknown size) of the population that will prefer human interaction over robots or AI and someone will capitalize on that - anyway it'll be customer-facing type jobs that will be the hardest to completely erase - and even if they did get erased, eventually someone will bring them back because nostalgia works, don't you want to get a pizza from a human like your grandma used to?

Probably Entertainers, the most useless human beings on earth are probably safest from AI. Humans have to interact with other humans. We can't be entertained by machines that don't understand what that even is😁

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