Daniel · 14 answers · 4y

Should we try to make retrospring more known so we get more users? We could post about it on reddit for example

Nah man we're like that hipster bar that we will complain about if it gets too popular because they're always out of your favorite local microbrew and you can't find a parking space

There are already crazy people among the few active members on this site, and you want to invite redditors? Well...

I don't like the idea tbh. One of the reasons that I use this site is that it's kinda obscure. We used Kiwi after Moderspring was shut down. Even though it has fancy features and a lot more users, I like this site better than Kiwi. Furthermore Reddit is full of people who can easily rustle one's jimmies!

no thanks, my hipster complex will not allow it. more people on here dilutes the attention I get TBH

I'd like that (yeets says we don't want the people on reddit here, i don't know, i'm not familiar with that crowd.. actually it's such a big place it probably depends on which subreddit you advertise on. and it could be advertised elsewhere, doesn't have to be reddit.) Andy wants it just to spread by word of mouth, though, so I guess we should respect his wishes. Maybe that is the best way overall. To get people who actually resonate with us.

I'd rather prefer it growing naturally, by users using it and friends finding it etc. That's the best way really.

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