Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

What does it feel like to be depressed?

I'm trying to think back and remember, but those memories are gone for good

... for now.

As someone already mentioned on here, it manifests itself differently in others so I can only offer my own personal experience. I won't get into why I got depressed but during my last bout with it I was completely bed ridden, I had no energy and sometimes slept well into the evening on multiple consecutive days. I just couldn't get out of bed and always felt tired. It took a lot for me to break that cycle because you can become complacent and it'll last months!

You want it to stop but you don't see any hope. Your world, your life is worth shit.

It feels like someone as sucked out your happiness and made you hyper aware of how sad you make the people you love whenever you're around them. You're not motivated to do anything and you try to make yourself as comfortable as possible not realising its a trap that chokes you out of recovery options. Anti-depressents numb you further and panic attacks make you feel like you're about to die. tl;dr: Wouldn't recommend.

everyone experiences it a lil differently so I can only speak for meself, plus during all the years I've had it it's fluctuated in severity. at its most disruptive, I couldn't stop thinking about wanting to die and ways to die every day, and those were the days I'd self-harm in various ways. in its less disruptive state I am simply disinterested in my usual hobbies, isolated, exhausted, feeling empty af. (these are exacerbated when the depression is more severe.) I fall behind on work often too bc things usually feel pointless

other than that tho, I'm very mentally well

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