Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Do you like to shake hands?

Not really but it's a cultural thing here and it's considered rude not to do it. And I should say it's a sin to shake hands with [or generally touch] the opposite sex. I don't know if you're familiar with it but there is this ridiculous Islamic thing/law/whatever that forbids you from touching the opposite sex if they're not a close relative of yours! I even don't know how to describe this asinine Islamic tradition!

I can live in a world without handshaking tbh. I don't mind doing it, but those people who over-analyse a handshake in business need to learn some chill.

Well... I used to. It’s very common to shake hands in Hispanic groups when being introduced to someone for the first time, vs in American groups where it seems to be more verbal.

Not with those dudes who think it's an opportunity to assert dominance/crush your hand bones

not in professional settings because white collar men are always so fucking aggressive about it, but in a casual setting sure

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