Daniel · 11 answers · 4y

How many steps do you walk on average daily?

According to the apple health app 6817. It is probably more, since I do not always wear my phone in my pocket when I walk. Like today when I was on the treadmill - 3.5km not accounted for.

I think on average around 3000 steps per day. Not enough to tighten these butt cheeks.

My phone says the average 6700, but tbh I don't carry my phone around with me much on the weekend.

over the past 6 weeks it's been an average of about 7300 steps a day. I'd let to get those numbers up tho. keep these calves nice n tight

Looking at my phone, it seems kind of random - could be 3000 or 12000, just depends (I don't really have a regular schedule)

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