Alice šŸ’‹ Ā· 8 answers Ā· 4y

When is it ever okay to mock the dearly departed? Herman Cain is responsible for restaurant workers being exempt from min wage laws, sexually harassed women.. But I'm ambivalent.

Iā€™ve never understood the whole ā€œdonā€™t speak ill of the deadā€ thing. If they were a loathsome turd when they were alive, why are we supposed to speak about what a wonderful human being they were all of a sudden? All they did was die. Dyingā€™s easy. Anyone can do that! Unless they died while selflessly rescuing a couple of dozen orphans from a burning bus just before it turned into a giant fireball (in that case: Wow!) then they deserve everything they get. If you want people to say nice things about you (dead or alive), itā€™s fairly simple: be a nice person and do nice things.

He died because of his own stupidity,and he was a trump worshiper. Should've worn a damn mask,but the coon got sick and died just for he could "own the libs"

Right away I feel. There's nothing wrong with reveling in the misfortunes of others I findšŸ˜Š

It's always OK if you're bring truthful - I say if they were worried about how they'll be treated in death, then that should affect how they act in life, you don't get a pass from me for 75 years of being a tool just by dying, I will speak ill of the dead all day, every day, and twice on their birthday

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