Alice 💋 · 10 answers · 3y

Imagine teams tying in a championship game.. Soccer = a cure for insomnia

The crowds are fun when foreign teams play here in the US. In general, I find most sports boring— especially American football and baseball/softball— 🥱 😴...So much time spent switching people out and I don’t know whatever else. I think the only thing that I’ve watched live that I really enjoyed was basketball. I appreciate the pace.

Congratulations, Italy.

England needs to stop getting complacent after a strong start and keep the momentum going. If we had pushed for a second more aggressively straight away, we might have won.

But that was a seriously intense game and I can't sleep. Looks like an all nighter for me.

Not gonna lie, I'm a little bit heartbroken. Italy we're ultimately the better team on the night though.

The crowds are 1000% more fun and interesting than what's happening on the field - excuse me, pitch, pip pip cheerio 😛

Just be glad it's not world cup on, with idiots arguing and shit posting on the main feed.

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