Ahri Boy · 12 answers · 1y

Your first and current linux distro?

The first one I tried was Mint on an old laptop. My latest attempt to get a dual-boot going went catastrophically and I ended up having to reset my Windows and got no working Linux out of the deal. ;w ;

I'll try again in the future, Nobara sounds neat.

Linux Mint. I haven't switched distros yet. Though if "using Linux in a VM as part of education" counts, my first one is Debian.

I can't remember my first, I vaguely remember checking out mint, ubuntu, kubuntu, otakux, and used puppy linux quite a bit too. My current distro of choice is Pop OS which helped to prolong the life of my Surface Pro 4, and is my only OS on my Framework laptop which has replaced the Surface.

Ubuntu, Ubuntu 😩 (I will switch when I have enough backup storage / a fast external SSD)

My first distro was Whonix. Currently I use Ubuntu as my daily one, but sometimes I experiment with others, like Arch, Tails, and Qubes.

First ever was an Ubuntu live USB to troubleshoot an old machine, but the first that I actually used as a normal computer was Elementary OS, in dual boot with win7 on my first ThinkPad when I got curious about Linux before just removing win7 entirely. Current is Alpine, though I still have to begrudgingly use Ubuntu at work (I really don't like Ubuntu now).

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