Yessabelle Anami · 17 answers · 1y

What's your favorite Netflix's series or movie?

probably enola holmes! but i only ever watched enola holmes on netflix.. pardon me..

Uncut Gems for movie, probably The Queen’s Gambir for series (I don’t watch a lot of Netflix shows).

BANYAK. But my top 3 sekarang would be: 3% (Brazil), Biohackers (Jerman), and Alice in Borderland (Jepang). Honorable mention: In Family We Trust (Thai)

ada beberapa series sih, kaya the sandman, wednesday. hosplay kehitung series nggak ya? kalau kehitung aku juga suka hosplay!

netflix’s original is emily in paris! i also watch ginny&georgia, gilmore girls, gossip girl (when it was there on netflix)!! wednesday & enola holmes are great too 💯💯 AND RIVERDALEEEE just the first 2 seasons for me

banyaaa sekali 😼 my name, alchemy of souls, law school, sweet home, extracurricular, dan masi banya lagi

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