Arman · 10 answers · 11mo

[From the HBO series "The Sopranos"] "Depression is rage turned inward." Agree or disagree?

I think rage can be a manifestation of depression but I wouldn't say that's the defining characteristic of it

Lots of things can bring on depression: giving birth; chronic pain; traumatic life events; unhappiness with your situation; maybe even rage turned inwards. But clinical depression is a whole other ballgame.

Disagree, rage is energetic. Depression is the opposite to energetic... it's like a quagmire of numbness.

It could very well be. I can definitely see that and have felt that myself. It is also so much more. It’s not that simple to define.

No, I think a writer just thought that sounded cool - my experience with depression is that it's...nothing - not sad, just empty, and certainly not rage

I don't know, maybe it could be a cause of depression, but I wouldn't say that's what depression is all the time or by definition or even most of the time. Depression is when you lack the context for happiness, whether environmentally, psychologically, or neurochemically.

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