NK · 12 answers · 17d

If you have a chance to go back to the past, what are you going to do?

Kayanya sih gue bakal coba apapun yang sebelumnya gue raguin. Jujur nyesel karena itu sih gue terlalu banyak mikir dan takut akhirnya ngebuang kesempatan emas gitu

i refuse to go back to the past kayaknya, instead, i wish i could see my future :> soalnya i used to be a Tachophobia fighter since birth, i struggled and i fought a lot with my phobia… kalo diinget-inget lagi, aku gamau ngerasain itu lagi, krn sekarang udah berhasil lepas 95% (soalnya kadang masih suka ngerasain tapi udh bisa handle!!)

not letting myself being a stupid person, not giving a second chance for those who don’t deserve it, making myself busy with all the positive activities, ngestan ilichil lebih awal!!! (argh stress), daftar sekolah tinggi soalnya capek banget nyari kerja sendiri ha ha ha

mau banget ngehindarin satu orang itu and never talk to them because that one person my life changed 1000000001%

Tell my younger self to buy more comics while the price is still Rp7.500. Keep my Digivice, don't fucking break it (I used to have like dozens). Take care of your iPod nano too, you'll miss it.

Studying harder in classes, taking chances seriously. If I had to be honest, I’d tell myself to schedule RP hours ‘cause that messed me up. 😭

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