wHT- cc??! · 17 answers · 11mo

how do you deal with yourself when you're feeling unloved?

Hi nad sorry for being late respond, well for me, like idk. I still have time that I hate myself and feeling unworthy. Gak ada cara selain alihkan ke yang lain. Saya sih mengalihkan loving myself to loving the life itself. Karena menjadi seseorang yang hidup itu indah banget or just loving my beloved one;bestie or fams, Jadi mungkin itu alasan saya masih bertahan buat selalu bernapas.

first I'd bawl my eyes out (of course). then I'll get up and start dolled up. idk why but I find myself doing that whenever I feel blue or unloved.

Taking some time to disappear from any social media. Dan sebisa mungkin berpikir positif terus karena gak mungkin gak ada orang yg sayang sama diri sendiri, even ourselves.

crying lol but it's my first aid to let out everything i've felt. and i'll be disappear from earth, more like doing my 5 stages of grief and in the end, i'll be loving myself as it should be 😫

I sometimes just disappear and take some time alone. Or talk to my friends afterwards. So grateful to have good people around me.

When I feel unloved, I remind myself of my worth and focus on self-care, engaging in activities that bring me joy and surrounding myself with positive influences.

The only thing i have to do is make sure to myself, if none gonna loving me, i have and i will always loving myself. Even none wants me, i want myself for my own sake

I'm so grateful I never felt like that, im aware of the love people give me, even if there is no love from others, I can get it from myself.

sadly, i still didn't know how to deal with myself. but, i still try to figure it out. and, crying is the best way (for me) because i have to pouring out all of my thoughts. i wish i knew hehehe :D

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