Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Annya Naladhipa
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Ease the curiousity, Let her knows.


Milo · 7 answers · 3mo

helloo... it's milo (aslovewails), I've lost access to my previous handle which is @aslovewails and finally last week I've made a new one... just in case anyone fancy a follow from my account, you may kindly answer this message of mine your @ and I'll give you a follow from there :D thanj you... (it's my personal account anyways as I'm no longer will be active on cyber)

Nya-nya · 7mo

ava cwkmu ganteng de, mawu no wanya sabi kali.. cwkmu ganteng jg sih tp

Nya-nya · 1y

maaf penarasan, annya. pierre tuh brondong? beda berapa tahun deh aslinya kok lucu gitu dia 😅

Yesss, he's way younger than me. We're six years apart.. Memang lucu sekali pacarku. 🥺

Kaiko · 9 answers · 1y

Kalau sakit gigi harus diapain ya?

Kumur-kumur air garam! Daaan, bersihkan giginya, disikat pelan dulu coba..? Kalau masih sakit gak tertahankan baru minum obat. Paracetamol obat nyeri yang bisa digunakan. Semoga membantu!

Lessa. · 9 answers · 1y

Thoughts on user brokenwheeI? 😋

Teh Lessa itu salah satu orang paling menyenangkan yang pernah aku temui! Teh Lessa memang agak sedikit konyol dan suka ghosting DM, tapi selain itu sih; teh lessa memang baik orangnya, ngga suka ganggu ternak warga kok. ;]

Nya-nya · 1y

milp itu ternyata kucingmu ya Nya, kirain kucing si itu

Tiba-tiba banget ngomongin Milo jam segitu..? Di retro..? Anyway, iyaaa, Milo kucingku yang baik, yang lucu, yang pinter, agak judes dikit kayak ibu kost, menggunakan sistem strict parents pada anak-anaknya, tapi dia ibu yang hebat, sering nemenin aku kalau sedih. Milo anak baik udah bahagia di jembatan pelangi! 🖤

Romansa. · 1y

kakak cantik, i believe that everyone would agree if i said that you’re the prettiest when you smile! is there anything in particular that never fails to bring a smile to your face these days? <3

Hello, adek! My heart burst like a firework in every new year's eve as I read the compliments you've wrote down there. Thank you anywaay! Umm, speaking of the question, these days my kittens are learning to walk in proper way! Aku bakal pamerin nanti gimana mereka ngelangkahin kakinya satu-satu; thomp-thomp! 🐾🐾 Lucu banget, I couldn't help but only smile widely as I see them. ♡

Nina · 1y

tell me your favorite movie genres and tell me one movie from each genre please!

Nina · 1y

Annyaa! What are you been into recently? Apakah ada series atau movie atau character atau kpop idol yang akhir2 ini lagi kamu senengin banget?

Kak Ninaaa! Actually, that RIIZE caught my attention lately. I love their songssss, terus dance performance Siren bikin kagum banget kayak.. wah.. ini mah tarian mengundang anemia (buatku) BUT THEY'RE DOING AMAZING. Aku belum ada rencana join their fandom sih, masih mau jadi casual listener duluu. Kalau kakak ada lagi senengin apaaa?

Mad · 5 answers · 1y

Evening! Checking on everyone as it’s been awhile since the last time I opened this website. So, if you could describe the first few days of October, how is it so far?

Evening, Kak Mad! It's been a while yaaa. Mm, speaking of the first few days of October, it is going well so far for me. I hope it's not a temporarily happiness. Anddd, how about you, Kak Mad? Is everything going well on your way?

Nya-nya · 1y

eh lu dibuang y? pantes gada dibucinin lg. mmf klo se jujur ini

Seems like the way I keep remain as silent makes you gone wild ya. If the topic that you're talking about is that person; we both took different path, and that's okay. If there's something good happened lately, then I'm happy for them. Makasih udah luangin waktu buat kirim retro gak penting ini, get a life ya abis ini.

Nya-nya · 1y

lol stop caper.

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