
Rhyming like O’ Sole Mio though it’s tough.

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With love, Lily. · 10 answers · 9mo

Hey you guys, saran film yang seru dong. Any genre is fine. Trims orang baik!

Budi Pekerti atau Napoleon (ini belum ada di cinema) tapi Budi Pekerti bagus menurut gue

edith ☆ · 6 answers · 8mo

would you still keeping me around if a witch turned me into a minion?

I think that’s fine, as long as I can translate your words though. As far I know, minion got mixed language.. which kinda hard to digest

M · 10mo

KK MAD MAAF AK BRU CEK RETRO LAGI, mau tanya donk weekly recapnya ngapain aja :*

Hey! Hmm, just letting life goes on. Seperti biasa hari Rabu - Kamis ada rapat di luar kota hitung hitung sekalian healing. Sisanya berkutat sama laptop lagi lagi.

Aletheia Jane · 9 answers · 1y

Drop your best dad jokes or pick up line!

Do you know what we used to call whenever we read meticulously? It’s Ridiculous! (Bet it’s lame)

Aletheia Jane · 7 answers · 12mo

What is your best read throughout this whole year?

Sorry, it takes too long to answer this as I just opened this platform recently. Never trust a skinny Italian chef by Massimo Bottura.

Calamander · 11mo

agak pusing sama warna profilenya but ok followback dong

Aletheia Jane · 7 answers · 1y

How do you use to entertain yourself after being overwhelmed by work or things?

This is super late, but I’m interested in craft like pottery, crochet, writing. For additional, spending my time with gym and run after work.

Aletheia Jane · 8 answers · 1y

Thoughts on Aletha?

Aletha, lama nggak ngobrol. But, in my opinion you’re pretty decent about way to express yourself.

Lorelai · 10 answers · 1y

And maybe we got lost in translation.. maybe I asked for too much.. but maybe this thing was a masterpiece ‘til you tore it all up. Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well

Gean · 15 answers · 1y

Minority rules toxic.
Hts 10 tahun atau hts sama mantan toxic?

Gean · 17 answers · 1y

Minority rules toxic
Putus karena doi selingkuh atau putus baik-baik tapi besoknya doi udah jadian lagi?

Cr. Algio

Aletheia Jane · 1y

Balok A yang massanya 2 kg berada pada bidang kasar dengan koefisien gesek sebesar 0,2. Balok B bermassa 1 kg diikat dengan tali yang dihubungkan dengan katrol yang massa katrol diabaikan dan berada pada jarak 4 m dari tanah. Kedua balok mula–mula diam lalu bergerak ke bawah. Waktu yang dibutuhkan balok hingga menyentuh lantai adalah? (g = 10 m/s²).

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