𓆩♡𓆪 𝅄 ⋆ · 12 answers · 6mo

another query: what's your wishes for 2024? do you have personal goal you'd like to achieve next year? 🎀🤍

goals ku tahun ini cuman dikit.
1. have a proper sleep.
2. didnt get sick and take medicine (already failed)
3. be come a better person.

Semoga apa yang sedang aku kerjakan semua berjalan dengan baik dan tidak ada kendala.

to snatch the spot as the freshman of comm science ugm! and to live well, love louder.. to let go of things i need to let go. 🤍

First and foremost, I would like to protect my own peace. I keep the rest of my goals to myself though, teehee.

Oh there are lots of goal I want to achieve in 2024, I even wrote it in my journal. But one of my goals is to reconnect and deepen my knowledge about my religion since I've gone too far from it.

I hope that 2024 gonna treat me better than before. I’ve been through a lot of downs in 2023 and I hope I can survive another year. I also wish that everyone surrounded by good things only!

Yes, I do have a personal goals. I hope that I can have more challenging projects and I can be a better Architect.

More happy days, good grades, spending more time with mom and dad, better version of myself, getting a boyfriend (Hehe)

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