Arthur · 9 answers · 1mo

How would you feel if the TV news stopped normal broadcast every hour to warn about a big storm that's going to come tomorrow?

Annoyance. All they do is whip people up into a frenzy of fear and false expectation because they have hours and hours of broadcast time to fill ever day - which is precisely why I never watch it.

That's already a thing, I mean there is an area in this country called Tornado Alley, if you know shit's coming, no harm in giving people the information in real time and if you have to interrupt TV fine, some people don't watch news, they just need their novelas or CGI dragons or whatever

Usual... I guess that's almost the same with typhoon warning here... do you live in canada tho?

When I was a kid, they sorta did that on the local news from like March to July. Because they wanted to freak every 5th grader out about getting pinned and crushed by a loose mattress in tornado every morning... before they could even find out if school was canceled for the weather (it never was).

Oh we had that last summer and two years ago. The number of big local devastating storms and tornados in the middle of Europe is on the rise.

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