Arthur · 9 answers · 25d

It's been 48 hours since I've taken a shower. And it's warm outside. How to not smell bad when you have no water?

just wipe/wash your smelliest areas. pits, private areas, feet. your face probably isn't smelly but i feel better washing my face at least 2x a day esp if it's warm

Omg I can’t answer that. I don’t even know how someone can take a shower at night and then go to work the next day. If I did that, I would not be smelling fresh. I shower right before I leave the house to maximize freshness. By the time I get home I’m a stinky mess.

It's simply impossible. Our skin is home of many species that harvest sweat, grease, and dead skin cells and turns them into food. By processing this they create residual chemicals that are the equivalent to poo and pee of much bigger species. Since the water shortage affects your entire city at least everybody will smell sooner or later.

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