Arthur · 10 answers · 15d

Why do people listen to video game soundtracks? Aren't they supposed to be only listened while playing the game?

Some games have really, really, good soundtracks, that's why! As an example, the composer for the Dragon Quest games is classically trained, and orchestras have done symphonic versions of some of the songs.

Some games seem to have popular soundtracks. I guess since ( sarcasm about to come here! ) current pop music is a bit lame uninspired and self copying to a vast extend people are happy to find alternatives? 😎


That's like saying you can only listen to musicals songs when watching the musical or saying you can only listen to movie sound tracks when watching a movie.

You can only listen to music if you go see the artist live.... You know.

You can only listen to TV sound tracks when watching TV etc...

I could go on but you get the jist of it.

Which is just stupid lol 😂

they're fucking fire? also, they remind you of the game. if you like a game a lot, esp if its a story game, why wouldn't you wanna be reminded of it? it can even help you set the tone the same as it is for that respective scene in the game.

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