Karicia. · 27 answers · 9mo

who can't wait for the weekend?what do you usually do on the weekend?

mee! ☝🏻 Usually, I spend my weekends resting at home because I have done a lot of activities before huhu ;-;

Weekends seems the same to me since I still need to work on my assignments but I like being productive, so I kind of excited to meet weekends.

biasanya aku kalau weekend ngerjain beberapa tugas sama nonton youtube, terus istirahat juga!

Sighe. As someone who works on the weekends as well, I'm honestly very patient about it. It gets absolutely tiring having no breaks but it is what it is.

Weekend enjoyer here! (raise hand) Weekend is the best thing to date with your bed for a whole day I believe..

ME! ME! i finally have time to rest before starting another busy week, i can spend the whole day in bed, and maybe binge-watching movies 🍿

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