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Jean · 12 answers · 2y

What drains your energy?

being among people and interacting are something, but nothing could ever really drain my energy other than dealing with someone who doesn’t even bother to take what i encourage them to. it’s like giving your all just to go all wasted on them, i’ll always handle this situation with cutting them off. (it is THAT draining 😔)

Gak tau akhir akhir ini lagi drained dan bosen, ngobrol sama orang masih gak bisa recharge mood. Kayanya harus keluar main deh.

stress, thoughts, life... in fact, my energy has been staying at 30% since last february and it slowly goes down (i'm sorry for this tmi tho)

When I'm super busy but at the same time I'm sick and lonely. That's like- very draining and the worst for me, honestly.

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