珠稟。 · 12 answers · 7mo

To love or be loved?

Be loved. Because for me personally, to love someone isn't a hard thing to do.

If in a relationship that is still one party aka the stage of someone's crush, you could say... I will be the one who is easier to put my heart on a very attractive person, even you can also be the person I crush on. So, I prefer to love first because the hell with the zodiac, but Taurus does like to chase other people's hearts.

As much as I believe we need both in life, if I could only choose one, it would be to love. To love and have my affection well-received by that person. If that person allows me to love, I'd like to give and provide as much as I could. I don't have a heart if I am loved but I can't give the same energy in return, I'd feel that they deserve more than what I could give.

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