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yiya !? 🦕 · 14 answers · 2y

rate your sunday from 1 to 10? 🤔

1000/10 hari minggunya kemarinn tuh seru banget soalnya gak ngapa-ngapain. full istirahat setelah 6 hari full kerja -3-

It’s kinda late i guess.. but my sunday went well! 8,5 maybe? 😴

9/10 overall! too much information for today: spending my time shopping bought some books, clothes, perfume and food. 😬

9/10! Menyenangkan sekali hari ini hahai, user kuidanure siap menyambut libur lebaran.

first half of it was 2/10 and the rest was unquestionably 11/10! how about yours?

6/10. So sleepy... probably since I had to work harder this week. Drained out parah. But I'm okay, dw!

100, such a beautiful day with a beautiful feelings. I'm grateful for everything that happened today. 🖤

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