je-nyangi šŸˆā€ā¬› Ā· 17 answers Ā· 1y

random question, if you could be any animal what would it be and why?

a dino. cause them just rawr rawr no stress, no school, no work. just rawr rawr errdaayy.

cat!!! no work no school no stress JUST meow meow meow meow meoooooow šŸˆšŸ’—

it would be any strange deep sea creatures. I want to live far from the land, I don't want to meet humans ever. as far as I know, it's just few of them (compared to those we've acknowledged) and they don't live in a colony so I don't have the urge to make friends with other creatures fella lol (an anti-social). merely live and swim deep beneath in my whole life without having to get in touch with humans is indeed peaceful for me.

cat or puppy, idont have any reason. i just wanna be them because they're cute

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