š‘¬, Madelaine. Ā· 40 answers Ā· 12mo

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

ooh, fun! i think im gonna with turtle bcs they have a slow life and i wanna be like them (im jealous of them actually)

kucing! šŸˆšŸˆā€ā¬› i just wanna meow and purr all daaaaaaaay :]

A cat, because I've been watching my cats every day, and it seems like they're having a good life. No stress, no worries, just eat, sleep, playing here and there, meow-meow, repeat.

I would be a dragon! Majestic and is a legend... I'd love to be just an.. Idea, an imagination, where no one is 100% sure if I'm real

oh i would like to be a cat. just eat, sleep, walking around, no stress, carefree, watching the sunset while lying on the grass, being cute, sleep on my humanā€™s lap, and being pampered without the worry of having to deal with adult life.

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