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Bian · 19 answers · 1y

Its my birthday today😳

Bian, maaf baru lihat. Selamat ulang tahun ya. Semoga di tahun ini banyak hal baiknya ya.

happiest birthday to you Biaaan. <3 I'm wishing you all the happiness in this world! have a great great birthday! God bless you.

Bian, happy (late) birthday! Semoga wish tahun ini semuanya terwujud ya. Enjoy your birthday!

Happy belated birthday! 🎉🎂 I'm sorry for the late wishes, but I hope your day was filled with joy and special moments 🥰 Wishing you an amazing year ahead! 🤍✨

even though i'm late to the birthday wishes party, i want you to know that the delay in my response in no way diminishes the enthusiasm and warm wishes i'm sending your way.. so happiest birthday, Bian!! may your days be filled with the kind of joy that sticks around like your favorite song on repeat. 💐⭐️

Happy birthday Bian, hope in this new year and new age every hopes and wishes comes true.

Happiest birthday, Bian. Hopefully in the future you can be the best version of yourself, live healthy, and I am sure a lot of happiness is now queuing up to come into your life one by one. <3

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