Arwen. M · 40 answers · 5mo

do you have any supernatural experiences like seeing ghost or having poltergeist occur?

I've been bothered by ghosts a few times; the one I remember the most was when I was listening to a song through the speakers and they were singing along to it—the funny thing is, the song I was playing was Day6's Letting Go... so it was like, why are you so sad, ghostsnim...?

Years ago, several times. But I kinda refuse to relieve the memories somehow, intinya ya gitu sih one of the reasons I hate horror ghosts movies so much.

Aku ga bisa lihat hantu syukurnya tapi pernah pas kakaku dua-duanya kesurupan malah aku ngobrol sama hantunya dan dia nyeritain dia darimana, dibawa sama orang untuk gedein bisnis, terus di kirim sama siapa, bayaran buat dia itu makanannya bentuk kaya apa

I once experienced a horror incident when I was in elementary school. Jadi, waktu itu abis pulang latihan pencak silat sekitar jam 7 malam, gua lagi duduk di deket pintu dan posisi pintu itu kebuka. Waktu lagi duduk denger suara yang bersiul persis di telinga.

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