Arwen. M · 58 answers · 5mo

are you the type of person who can bear and deal with someone who have mental health issues, or are you the type of person who can't handle them? i thought i was a person who able to deal with them until i finally felt so drained and overwhelmed and tired, i can't handle them no more...

at first, i was that one type who trying to bear and deal with them, but as the time goes by turns out i can’t handle them no more (basically depends on the person themselves). i’m easily getting drained and overwhelmed most of the time so i (quite) avoid this kind of people who brags about mental health issue openly (i don’t hate them but sometimes they do giving me negative vibes which making me uncomfortable).

I don't think I can't handle them since I'm not good at words. Of course I can't comfort them... :(

I'm that person who WON'T deal with them in any circumstances. If you got some issues, I would drive you to your therapist, but to personally taking care of issue?? Bitch, fight me.

Depends on the person itself. Aku rasa I can deal with them, as long as orang itu juga mau untuk bareng-bareng belajar melihat, berpikir, mendengarkan, dan menerima hal-hal baik di dunia ini. Karena menurut aku, untuk merasa lebih baik itu seseorang perlu untuk hidup dengan lebih positif. Sedangkan aku sebagai orang disekitarnya cuma bisa support, and that's it.

I can't :( maaf ya aku beneran ga bisaa pasti berdampak ke aku, bisa bisa akunya demotivated, drained, nangis mulu. Keikut emosinya, itulah kenapa aku agak pilih-pilih temen. Gapapa terkadang milih yang lingkungan pertemanan yang bikin kitanya nyaman kan? Yang paling penting diri kita dulu baru oranglain. Kita cukup nolongin semampunya kita aja.

I am someone with mental health issues so I can handle them with my own way! Tapi kalo mereka pake mental health issues sebagai excuse dan alasan itulah yang annoying. Karena mental health issues itu sejatinya tanggung jawab masing masing.

can"t handle them soalnya aku mood gampang berubah dan mudah kebawa suasana, jadi lbh baik pergi aja

I can't handle them karena lebih cepet ngebuat aku capek dan gamau ngeladenin sih....

Aku gapapa kalau misalnya nemenin teman yang punya mental health issue. Asalkan gak dijadikan sebagai therapist karena I'm not a certified one. Kalau misalnya kamu gak kuat dan malah jadi drained, gak usah dipaksain. Yourself comes first.

Sebenarnya tipe orang yang bisa ngehandel mental issues orang lain. Tapi mental issues aja kadang-kadang gak bisa ngehandel

Jujur karena ini bidang yang gw tekuni, jadi mau gamau suka gasuka ya gw harus deal with it. But as I previously terlalu berdedikasi sampe akhirnya orang lain pulih gw yang masuk bangsal, a lot of my lecturers remind me that its okay kalau mau bantu atau temani orang lain pulih, but remember to put yourself first.
Kalau kamu ngerasa capek, atau enggak kuat, kamu boleh menolak. Jangan maksain.

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