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Anonymous. · 4mo

finnie where are yOOUUU

I'm guessing I know who this is. To answer your question, I've been immersed in work since I'm currently handling a big project. As an extrovert, I spend my time going out on weekends. But I can promise you this, I'll be more active once I get this project finished. Wish me luck?

Anonymous. · 4mo

Hi, Maxwell! Seems like you've been busy, how did your week go?

I've been out and about, as usual. Decided to visit the beach this week and stayed at the resort with my friends, since I can't stand the thought of doing nothing all day. How was yours? Tell me all about it.

𓏲࣪ Dearly, Antoinette. · 2 answers · 5mo

hey, hey! who wants to befriending with me on twitter?? this is {specifically} to those who don't mind that I often tweet about books and hype my faves, too..

Would be delighted if we haven't followed each other. I've attached mine in my profile.

Anonymous. · 8mo

Congratulations on leaving the restaurants, I'm proud of you! How do you feel after moving on?

Thank you, mysterious person. I never knew that life without them could be so peaceful. It was a rather toxic relationship, the silent treatment was awful, I did not want to let go but all my efforts are seen in vain. It feels weird— moving on. Knowing that I am much happier without their existence, 22 year old me would be surprised. But I thank myself for being brave and finally leaving the restaurant, without burning the bridge.

𐙚 Carissa · 29 answers · 9mo

kalau kamu lagi marah, gimana cara menyikapinya biar cepat mereda?

Regulasi emosi. Saya terbiasa melakukan regulasi emosi dan itu cukup membantu. Simply feel and define the emotions, find the root of the problem, such as who or what trigger these emotions. One thing that I constantly take note is that all triggers are neutral, hence I learned to not act on my emotions. I feel it, I recognize it, I don't brush it off or try to suppress the emotions. Usually I feel better afterwards.

Anonymous. · 9mo

Maxie, what's your zodiac sign?

Leovin · 12 answers · 9mo

How do you deal with loneliness? What will you do first?

To tell you the truth, loneliness has been my company since earlier this year. And it took me a while to welcome solitude inside my life. But, by being alone, I have all the time in the world to improve myself. Sure, it can be suffocating at times. Especially when it's new to you. That's when I seek help from my friends and family. It's still a progress, of course, accepting this loneliness. But I'd rather be alone, than being in a meaningless relationship. Learned it the hard way.

Marva · 9mo

Hello maxwell, how's ur day going so far?

Hello, Marva. Today started out pretty nicely, I had a smoothie for breakfast and my office peers are in a good mood. Hence, I'm hoping that it will be even better by the end of the day. Do tell me yours.

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