Leovin · 12 answers · 9mo

How do you deal with loneliness? What will you do first?

Lebih ke menyibukkan diri sendiri aja. Ikut kegiatan apapun yang sekiranya saya bisa ketemu banyak orang dan ngobrol, misalnya gaada waktu untuk itu paling saya tidur. Soalnya tidur bisa bikin saya lupa tentang perasaan gaenak.

Hm, tergantung. Kadang kalau lagi pingin berinteraksi. Bakalan ngajak orang-orang jalan-jalan. Nongkrong, main game, apapun itu. Tapi kalau lagi males. Usually me time aja. Nonton sendiri 10/10.

Tidur! Apapun masalahnya aku jawabannya selalu tidur yang dilakuin pertama kali

I rarely feel that way but if I do, I'll talk to my friend. If I don't have the energy to talk, I spend time alone watching something, playing games or reading. If it doesn't get better, I'll catch some zzz.

I always tell everything to my Mom if something bothers my mind, like a thought of loneliness or the loneliness itself. My Mom always suggests me to have a time for myself or tell her if I need company so that she can come with me, if I don’t wanna be alone. Sometimes I think my Mom is enough for my company, perhaps because we both are women. :D Aside, I always make myself occupied with things so that I’m not feeling lonely anymore.

What is the reason for questioning something when u already know the answer? Ofc turu.

To tell you the truth, loneliness has been my company since earlier this year. And it took me a while to welcome solitude inside my life. But, by being alone, I have all the time in the world to improve myself. Sure, it can be suffocating at times. Especially when it's new to you. That's when I seek help from my friends and family. It's still a progress, of course, accepting this loneliness. But I'd rather be alone, than being in a meaningless relationship. Learned it the hard way.

Tidur wkwkwk. MAAF. Apapun masalahnya yang aku lakuin pertama adalah TIDUR. 😭🙏

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