kana · 16 answers · 8mo

hei, have you ever felt lonely in the midst of a crowd?

I am … sometimes, but it depends on the situation itself. I ever felt lonely around bunch of friends, somehow I feel hurt and I don’t like that. It will be different if I am with strangers, the loneliness keep me sane, I’ll just chill and do my own things.

most of the time, i guess. lebih ke tiba-tiba lost in thoughts terus pas udah sadar suddenly feeling left out so i tend to feel lonely even in the midst of a crowd.

I think I have? It's more like I get lost in my thoughts and then suddenly feel lonely.

I honestly love being alone in the midst of crowds. In my point of view, i can watch people living their life by doing their activities. Lovely!

Yes. But i ignore the feeling. There's no use for me to feel lonely because I'm alone in the crowd. And... I love being alone in the crowd, so this situation is not that bad.

Of course. Tapi anehnya aku lebih nyaman sendirian in a crowd full of strangers, daripada in a crowd yang aku kenal orang-orangnya. Karena sering ngerasa being left out that's why I feel lonely most of the time :((

It happened to me most of the time. Everyone has their companion, but here stands just me and myself 😅

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