IVY · 19 answers · 16d

Happy May! What is your wish for this new month?

Telat banget balesnya but semoga sehat selalu dan tetap waras hingga akhir bulan ini.

Oh, I do hope May will bring me more opportunities to experience bliss! April has treated me so well that I wish May would do the same... at least I will be ready to whatever life has to offer though! Hopefully! <3

Welcome, May! I just need my days and agendas to be smooth-sailing, filled with joy, compassion and less anxiety. Let's all gather our hands and embed this wish onto our hearts. (manifesting)

because tomorrow is my birthday i want this year and the future to be mine! That means success and ease are always on my side.

I hope I’ll always be surrounded by people that I love and the one I comfortable with, I hope I smile and laugh more often with you too! Just everything nice, please, please, pour it on me!

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