IVY · 20 answers · 3mo

Happy May! What is your wish for this new month?

It's gon' end in a week, and I'll say so far this isn't the best (yet) nor it gives me better experience. But I hope I can find lil' joy and as many reason to smile before leaving it and welcome the new month.

Telat banget balesnya but semoga sehat selalu dan tetap waras hingga akhir bulan ini.

Oh, I do hope May will bring me more opportunities to experience bliss! April has treated me so well that I wish May would do the same... at least I will be ready to whatever life has to offer though! Hopefully! <3

Welcome, May! I just need my days and agendas to be smooth-sailing, filled with joy, compassion and less anxiety. Let's all gather our hands and embed this wish onto our hearts. (manifesting)

because tomorrow is my birthday i want this year and the future to be mine! That means success and ease are always on my side.

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