Mirabella Ajram. · 19 answers · 9mo

What’s your (all the time) favorite songs? I just created a new Spotify account and confused about .. what songs to add to my new playlist. 🧍🏻‍♀️

Well that is japanese songs, it call yakusoku, and may from m!lk, and also twilight from dish//!

all of woodz song, pleasee coba kamu dengerin. suaraa dia tuh kayak sopann banget ditelingaa, he's so underated..... lagu lagunyaa ga ngebosenin

Setapak sriwedari dari Maliq & D’essentials. Tiap denger lagu itu aku rasanya happy sama adem aja gitu? Entah sugesti karena melodinya menyenangkan atau gimana tapi aku jadi jatuh cinta tiap denger lagi itu.

Try to listen to Ryan Mack - Forever and Ever and Always. This one like my comfort songs all the time.

banyaaak (bingung) hmmm.. lemme think 🤔 💬 I'll recommend you lagu lagunya chase atlantic! aku tiap dengerin lagu pasti dengerin lagu chase atlantic, especially consume, heaven and back, into it and swim my all time favorite OH SAMA ANGELS JUGA arghhh banyaaak aku sampe susah milih t____t

you have to listen to all chase atlantic song!! yang paling wajib masuk playlist itu i think im lost again sama roxanne!!

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