Merida · 11 answers · 2y

Is there a method you use to know if you want someone in your life or not? I ask myself this question: would my life be better, worse or same without them? Then I take a decision :)

I'm on the fence if I should break up with my boyfriend or keep trying (this is new, I'm clueless and its only been a month)🤔 I'm scared/nervous he'll break my heart. We are complete opposites. Idk.. I thought I was smart but "love" creates crazy situations you never imagined. Idk... I'm lost, scared and confused. (maybe I should just have stayed single) lmao

Generally all ppl are a pain in my life lol but I guess I just think would I miss that person if they were gone

Hm, in 9 out of 10 cases I know in the first split second. And the one person remaining is thing of trial and error.

If I enjoy their company or I'm afraid to let them go because I'm attached to them then they're a part of my life. 😂

Yes, I hold on to their leg and say 'please don't go 😭😭😭' and if they don't go then they are in my life 🤡

Here's what works for me:

  • you need to enjoy talking to/looking at them
  • they need to enjoy talking to/looking at you
  • they need to like kpop (this is an important personality trait)
  • they must be willing to comfort me when I cry
  • must not be afraid of spiders (this is useful for me)
  • must be able to laugh at bad jokes
  1. Do you procrastinate talking to them? 2. Do they not make you feel better, smile or laugh when you talk to them? 3. Can you be yourself around them? 4. Can you trust them? 5. Are you they authentic? ... those are my metrics for people.

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