Daniel · 9 answers · 3y

Would you rather rent a movie for 4€ or buy a movie digitally for 9€?

Give me the digital download, 4€ for a one-time rental sounds like a bad deal.

If it's a really good movie, I would buy it, but if it's just a regular one or I need to watch it with someone else, I would rent.

This year I bought a game digitally for 10€ and after a few hours in, it just didn't feel right for me and I wanted to buy it physically but then bugs destroyed the game for me so I know, I am not a digitally rent or movie buy digitalle renting guy.

I'll just wait until its free to watch tbh. Its been a very long time since a movie idea has captivated me enough to spend money specifically on it.

For movies I'm almost always going to rent at any cost because I rarely re-watch any of them

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