Arman · 13 answers · 3y

Have you ever encountered someone that was offended by your body? How would you react if someone expressed that your body/appearance made them uncomfortable?

Someone yesterday tried to touch my face and I didn't let em, they're attractive and thought it's okay.

Yes I've been told to "wear a bra" before which I did/do. I just jiggle a lot. And I don't know, can't please everyone I guess.

Middle school. I only had one outfit. I already felt frumpy and ugly and then some guy I had never seen before said with contempt, “don’t you have any other clothes ? You’re always wearing that.” And it started my lifelong self image issues and fear of appearing poor. :/ I ignored him but he got through. He got through.

Yes. I encountered that. A woman body shamed me on a beach. She objected that I was nude and that I have no body hair. I just turned my back at her.

All the time. It gets to me sometimes but if my body shape is the only thing people think is wrong with me then hallelujah because mentally I’m fucked and it’s nice to know they can’t see that.

I have an underbite. My own parents have heavily implied multiple times that i'm ugly for it and it's like, HELLO!?!? I sure as hell didn't give it to myself!!!

Yeah, it's a pretty common thing. I just think, oh wow, my bad, bro. Wow, bro, it's so bad because your body and existence, bro? it's so great, such a gift to the world. Man, I feel dumb for being born as if I'm just worthy of sharing a planet with a specimen like you. Boy do I feel silly

Of course, many, many times. I am considered as very unattractive or even ugly. Nothing you can do about it but take it most of the time, especially when you are still a kid but later, when I was an adult, it turned me on feeling it and hearing it coming from attractive females cause I became a masochist. Also my siblings were offended when they were still small and insulted me and I told them that it doesn't hurt me but it is indeed hurtful to other children and that it is mean and not okay. It is not their fault when they were born that way. I asked them to please don't do this to them.

...offended is a strong word... disappointed maybe... I don't know. Its not like people call it out. I get complements from time to time but... I'm not happy with it. If someone said it made them uncomfortable - I'd put a top on.

I never have. If someone told me my protruding gut made them uncomfortable (because what else would it be?), I'd totally understand (well, it'd be odd since like 50% of people here are overweight), and I'd say sorry, I just keep eating and drinking sweets out of boredom and I can't help it because my life isn't very good.. I keep meaning to lose weight but I can never seem to start or at least I don't keep at it.

Lol...story of my life!!! When you're fat people seem to get offended by your body. It feels like you need to apologise for existing tbh. They also think we don't have mirrors at home and we don't know we're fat since they need to tell us constantly. They get offended if you go to the gym, if you wear a bikini or tight clothes. They get offended whenever you don't wear something that covers your whole body and it's loose because how the hell you dare to show your curves, rolls and cellulite? Ew, So gross...and I could go on and on...

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