@liz£h · 12 answers · 4y

How do you react if someone tells a bad joke? Do you laugh to be polite?

Depends on the person. If I'm not concerned about hurting their feelings I won't laugh, and usually that's easy with close friends.

My laugh quietly and easily. Unless it's like a bad bad joke as in shitty then I'm not gonna laugh to be polite.

I don't remember ever being in that situation, not when it's just me and them so that they'd notice if I don't laugh. When with a group of people if someone tells a bad joke (and I find a lot of jokes that other people find funny lame), I don't laugh. I'm not sure what I would do if it were just me and them.

Yes, out of politeness I try to laugh. Or once when I was REALLY high this corny guy at work had me in tears. Edibles are like a performance enhancer for laughing at things.

Honestly I normally have a dead pan reaction - makes the joker feel like shite haha (although thats not really my intension).

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