Pandy · 13 answers · 3y

What is the best piece of media (game, movie, TV series) you've seen this year?

How to with John Wilson. Not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but thanks to the season finale and the way it contrasted with the rest of the episodes, it became an emotional reflection of life, at least in the US, during the Covid Era. It stands out from everything else that was new in 2020 because of that, as most of what was released was made and finished pre-Covid.

Vikings was awesome ( season 6). I kinda thought that intelligence and wisdom are gone especially in series making. King of fighters all stars is probably the best fighting game for this year, however you need to upgrade constantly to enjoy and that will kill your time, otherwise you need to buy it and that's blackmail and I won't succumb for it. Movies were bad.

Movie: I don't think I've watched any movies produced in 2020
TV series: Probably "Bojack Horsman"
Games: I'm not a gamer. [This reminded me of a cheesy pickup line! (I'm a gamer but I would never play you!)]

Best game: Star Wars Squadrons
Best movie: Trial of the Chicago 7
Best show: The Haunting of Bly Manor

I replayed The Witcher 3 this year because I realized I never played the DLCs and that's the answer to your question, even if it's 5? years old now ... I really didn't watch a ton of new stuff, but I'm enjoying Star Trek Discovery so far... The Last of Us 2 was a good game, even if I wasn't a fan of the ending and some of the other narrative choices

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