Pandy · 11 answers · 2y

Off to a wedding soon where the bride and groom have asked exclusively for money as gifts... what is a sensible amount of money to give?

Here we always try to cover the price per person they have to pay for us in the restaurant at least.

I'm probably late for this party, but my thought would be the commensurate value of a gift, like if I were going to buy them some household good, I would probably give whatever that costs (assuming it doesn't break me of course)

That’a shit. I hate that. It depends how well you know them, but I wouldn’t give less than £100.

Somewhere between $150-500, depending on how close you are and how many guests you’re bringing.

You said that you have a good hand with money, your career is good too and you own a house and real estate. Put that in relation to the situation of a young couple you want to see happy and consider their situation in life. Then you will undoubtedly imagine a sum that you can afford and which might help them.

I have no idea. I'd give them $50. Screw them if it's not enough. I'd say give about as much as is typically spent on a gift for a wedding, but I don't know how much that is. Also it depends on how much money you have to give away.

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