Claire · 14 answers · 3y

Do you like muffins? What’s your favourite flavour?

Yup. There are some traditional kinds of muffin here that I like. However, I don't think I've had the more famous kinds of muffin like English muffin ...

Plain. I actually like plain muffins. I can do away with all the fancy dandy stuff. No surag coating and colourful love pears or creams or such. Just an honest plain well done and warm muffin please! Can I have a kiss to go with it please? sorry for the slight sexual harrassment here

yes muffins are good, my favorite that I've had recently is this apple cinnamon deal, shove them directly into my disgusting gullet

Blueberry. Coffee cake is good too, or at least the top is. ;d My niece just made a bunch of muffins with cream cheese(?) and chocolate chips on top, and they're pretty good. I don't like muffins with frosting, frosting is sick.

I love a toasted (English) muffin with butter. I also love those Lotus Biscoff (speculoos) muffins you get from Costa. Failing that, any kind of lemon muffin will do.

I could take or leave most muffins except jalapeno cornbread muffins. I wouldn't turn one of those down, it'd go straight up my ass

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