Dingus · 10 answers · 3y

Have you ever intentionally or unintentionally seduced someone?

Yes to both, more so on the latter, my unintentional seduction skills appeared to be master class. I mainly discovered them when I was already dating someone else; I guess the moment you no longer care to impress someone you fancy that is when you become most seductive (note: most didn't realize I was in a committed relationship at the time, so I don't believe it was simply a case of wanting what they can't have). Truly boggled my mind -- but also helps one reflect and notice how creepy we can come off when we are trying too hard lol.

Yes, I seduced someone in a BBS chat, she said she got wet and that'd never happened to her because of mere text before. She didn't even know me.

I would’ve even know how to do it intentionally, and I don’t think I’ve done it unintentionally, but idk....how would I know?

Oh, guilty, I tried. But I am not good doing it. It didn't work. And I obviously had caused a girl crush once unintentionally. This was extreme shit. I know how it feels when you have a major crush and the feeling isn't returned. This is devastating. And being on the other side felt heartbreaking too.

yes, intentionally, and for the pettiest of reasons - I was not the best person then

Unintentionally. Some guy in undergrad thought i was really into him because I was friendly and nice ... I seriously wasn’t into him. I had to turn him down so many times. We did end up friends even eventually... but he later told his future girlfriend we used to have something special that never went anywhere because my dad was strict. Huh?

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