Merida · 9 answers · 3y

Has anyone made you feel as if you weren't prepared to do something just because of your sex? My dad is always like that...He thinks I can't do home maintenance because I'm a woman 😒

Like Scott said, being affected emotionally by things, or not being allowed or supported when facing an issue/harassment. I’ve been sexually harassed in the past by women but I needed to man up, that isn’t a thing.

Yes. In college I was one of two female physics majors in an already a small class. At the end of the semester, we were each supposed to do a project drawn out of a hat. There were two that were considered difficult. I, of course, picked one of the hardest ones, and the professor said “are you sure? You want to try something else?” So rude. Did not say that to the male who drew the other hard one. I rocked that problem, but It took the entire semester for that guy to be impressed by me. He kept thinking i was a fluke.

My personality is proving people like that wrong. I am a strong confident empowered woman.

No. He just used to scream and criticize because you were supposed to guess what he wanted you to do or because you didn’t know how to do something you were never taught how to do.

I cannot do my job essentially because of being female. That is the general stance of many customers. They know me since long, but never met me in person or on Zoom, so they naturally assume I'm a guy, haha! Naturally! When some meet me they behave a bit uneasy and some say the expected a "more senior manager" which means: an older guy. sigh

No, the closest thing I can imagine is that my mom doesn't let me cook the whole lunch/dinner, but that's because I suck at it.

Home maintenance, depending on the task, requires practice to be done right, but isn't hard to learn. I suggest that you watch him and remember how to do it, it's an useful skill should you ever live by yourself (or need to help a friend)

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