Merida · 11 answers · 2y

What have you learnt from YouTube?

Hmm... it definitely made me fuel my hatred for Google back in 2013 or whenever they suddenly forced Google+ on everyone and their dog. I guess my learning was to never (fully) trust tech companies, regardless how much they soothe you into thinking that they're Definitely Not €vil™

Lots of things— from learning how to make money leis, to teaching certain subjects more effectively, to random knowledge.

Many things! Lots of things to do with computers - can’t remember any of them now of course. How to unblock my vacuum cleaner - who knew there were so many places something could get stuck in a Dyson? How to cure vertigo - complicated but doable.

How to do things, from stuff like replacing batteries in iPhones or watches and applying thermal paste to a CPU, to ways to tie long hair for guys, or make a fruit fly trap.

That the 8 seconds until the content starts to play after the advertising means 8 seconds plus another advertising video plus enhanced audio volume to 100% while the content audio is at 20%.

That no matter what you say ppl yell at you.. you can tell them how nice a day it is and they'll threaten to kill your mother😆

It incorporates the worst aspects of television together with "personalized" content. Lots of famous channels say things ranging from factual inaccuracies to outright lies.

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