Meisje Isadora. · 21 answers · 23d

How do you cope with rejection or heartbreak?

of course, at first i would definitely cry about it... but it's okay if i feel sad, angry, or other emotions arise, this is part of the healing process. dedicating my time to rest, eating well and doing activities i enjoy is important in rebuilding emotional and physical energy. i know, going through this phase is really really really hard for me—but it's not good if the sadness continues to drag on, right? moveon then upgrade myself to be better than before! i believe that time will heal sooner or later.

Quite poorly, if I have to admit it myself. There are times I either become really.. petty and just can't stfu, badgering people with the sad-sack loser sob story, or bottling things up until one day they explode in such an unpleasant way. But usually, I just let myself to consume as many medias as possible, the depressing ones are much more preferable in a way that I can cry about them in complete force so I won't have to feel guilty of feeling sad about some guy who broke my heart.

i don't know if this is okay or not, but usually i will abruptly end the relationship with them. i won't give any warning or hints [like changing accounts or bub]. then i keep myself busy with activities irl (;_;)

Nikmatin aja lalu move on perlahan melalui hobi atau kegiatan yang disukain, bisa juga cari hobi baru biar gak sedih-sedih amat.

Get a solo date, keep myself busy, watch a movie or anime, and try not to overthink. We only have own ourself at all.

I'll allow myself to feel and process my emotions, rather than bottling them up. I try not to take rejection as failure, instead I try to see it as an opportunity for self-care and self-love.

On day one, I’d probably break down, letting all my thoughts out, and cry all day all night. By day two or the days following, I’d begin to care for myself, prioritize my needs, romanticize my existence, purchase new makeup products and bags, and living my life as I should be! Oh, also, deleting all memories about it.

I'll just go with the flow. I won't force myself to feel like I'm fine. If I feel like I want to cry, then I'll cry.

Disappearing from the crowd, taking some time alone to: do a little evaluation to myself, listen to happy songs, marathon my watchlist, stalk my bias’ daily update, keep myself busy, and sleep a lot.

mmm maybe.. the first thing i will do is just cry about it, then try to forget it slowly, because life has to go on, right? ^⁠⁠_⁠^

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