Kate Matsuda · 11 answers · 3y

Why is the festive season in the middle of a depressing and sad time of the year that is mainly grey, dull, cold and filled with commerce?

Australia's taking a break from shrugging off huge spiders rn to be like, "excuse you"

I love winter and this season. It's not a depressing and sad time! At least, not more than the rest of the year....

When the Church of Rome were looking to covert pagan heahens to Christianity they found them eating, drinking and being merry at this time of year celebrating something called Yule. And thus Yule was hijacked and then repackaged as Christmas.

I've heard the blessed event was more in the spring but the festival was moved to December to line up with pagan festivals (presumably to drown them out culturally)

That's the point, unfortunately they forgot to make people happy like truly so it's not working.

I've done a really good job at avoiding this. It was weird though watching TV for the first time in ages - so much adverts :o

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