Kate Matsuda · 13 answers · 1y

If you had to chose just one which would you take: Dishwasher or washing machine ?

Washing machine. No contest. Hand-washing your knickers in a hotel sink is one thing: hand-washing your bed sheets is quite another.

Washing machine. It's hard to wash your clothes with hand. I've been doing it for almost three years. Hopefully I won't need to do that in the near future.

Washing machine. No contest. Washing your clothes in the dried up lake? No. Laundromats? the hauling, the creeps coming at you, the CASH you need, the stuff you lose, the inability of other people to not be unnecessarily territorial? It just blows, it blows up and down the street.

Washing machine, I think it's probably easier to wash dishes than clothes. And it would seem like more work to wash clothes by hand anyway since we fon't do that in my culture. Also, my dad washes all the dishes in this house anyway. =P

Dishes don't stink, at least not in the farty sense. I'd choose the washing machine.

Washing machine. I can always do the dishes but washing clothes by hand is a bitch.

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