Kate Matsuda · 7 answers · 1y

Is the late Queen Elisabeth an example for people supporting you more after you're gone and ignore you and your goals while you are living?

Probably or maybe it shows the impact that wouldn't normally open up the conversation to it

Not sure thats entirely fair, I just think good will consolidates after tragedy.

Probably. Generally ppl tend to ignore the misdeeds of someone when they die. I think it dishonors their memories by creating a false narrative about them. If they're wankers or in the Queen's case have a long linage of murder, racism and betrayal. You should still bring that up. At their funeral prehaps😁

Nah it's the creator and inventive types who live their entire lives ignored and then die penniless and destitute, those are the people who get respect after death

No. Nothing she did was ever ignored. And crowds of people went to see her wherever she went.

Probably, I'm surprised no one's really talking about the assassination of Shinzo Abe.

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