LaDamaX · 8 answers · 11mo

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
Yay or nay? Why or why not?

Yeah, but only to a degree. You can't imitate others forever. Gotta have an original thought at least once in your life

Imitation can be flattery, but it can also be threatening. eg.- having a business competitor imply that they're you through a persona online to make you look bad.

I suppose it is. Its basically saying what you do is so good to me that it will become me too. Though unless its really obvious the imitation is about someone specifically I think it can often just be a sign that someone thinks highly about themselves - perhaps your identity or ideas aren't particularly original in the first place... or this being about you. So I guess I see it more as self-flattery.

I feel like flattery is in the eye of the person being flattered (or not) like some people might take offense to being copied, it's not flattery if the person being complimented does not believe it so

Yes. For example, if I'm a guitarist and I play a tune from another good guitarist that must mean I like them.

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