LaDamaX · 10 answers · 10d

Is marriage an outdated institution? Explain.

Hmm maybe not so much outdated as it's held in too high regard in society. It was created from necessity not love. I wonder if they did a study with married couples vs non married long term couples. I'd be willing to guess the long term non married couples stay together longer. There's something about the finality of marriage that scares people specifically men. No one loses more if a marriage goes bad than men. As a woman you most likely will keep the kids, money and property. Men have been destroyed by divorce.

Outdated implies some form of redundancy. I don't think its redundant at all, but there are certainly outdated parts to it (i.e. 'handing the woman over', unfair contracts etc).

In some ways it is, yes - I think we place too much importance on it. Not just in the US, but anywhere that it's a legal requirement to have certain benefits. That being said, if someone wants to get married for commitment reasons, I see nothing wrong with that. I've noticed that a lot of younger generations are waiting to get married or just living with their partners instead, so maybe that's a step in the right direction XDD

Marriage was made at first to sell your daughter. By getting some money from the person that wants to marry her. And with time the money part in the west was gone, but it still a slavery institution.

Germany and Greece are the to remaining countries with unjust legislation concerning married couples. As such both have an outdated and unjust and shitty type of marriage by law.

as a declaration of love, yes - as a legal mechanism to consolidate wealth and power, same as it ever was, works like a charm

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