šŸŒŗ AnayaOhNo Ā· 12 answers Ā· 3y

The best thing about 2021 so far has been: ______?

That my family has made it through this pandemicā€” thus farā€”for the most part unscathed.

Honestly, I havenā€™t been having a good time. Iā€™m on vacation until February, but there nothing I can do! Nowhere I can go. So depressing. I canā€™t even prep for next semester because I have a baby and no daycare. I literally cannot do anything except feed baby, play with baby, and constantly clean clean clean. My only ā€œmeā€ time is at night, watching tv and falling asleep on the couch. Itā€™s depressing and anxiety inducing.

oo early days :o I guess it was bonding with my dad a bit more during the Christmas break - we were cool but things got a bit awkward in 2020, seems like its water under the bridge now.

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