Daniel · 15 answers · 4y

Would you still go to work if you are filthy rich?

Yeah, but it'd be the rich bitch kind of work where I'm enjoying it for the most part, and I'm making it rain.

No, but I would probably continue my profession in private as a hobby rather than as a vital activity.

Hell to the no, I would either have zero body fat from having all day every day to work out, or become one of those people they have to knock out a wall in order to leave my bedroom, nothing in between

yeah, in some way, to retain my wealth so I can 1) make sure I can give money to whomever I wanna give it to (friends, family, random people who need it) and 2) use my money to enact change bc we all know rich ppl run this mf

Yess. And I wouldn't be filthy rich for more than a couple of weeks. It's a burden. I'd rather throw it away. My boat has to be light.

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